Our Solutions

Our solutions are tailored for every scale and sector, whether small or large, public or private.

Risk Management

Effective risk management demands proactive foresight. Our risk management solution ensures that you remain several steps ahead of potential threats, providing early warning of any suspicious online activities targeting your organisation. Our solution can also be deployed on-premises.

Media Sensing

Our system goes beyond basic media monitoring or social listening by deeply analysing emerging topics, providing you with a comprehensive understanding to act decisively. With real-time tracking and advanced natural language processing, it enables a rapid response to any shifts in media dynamics.

Data Brokerage

Our data brokerage service delivers high-quality, real-time data to enrich your products and services. By sourcing from diverse channels, we provide the insights needed to drive innovation and support growth.


Our solutions support a diverse clientele, from small and medium-sized enterprises to national agencies.


In the enterprise space, we provide solutions that adapt to diverse needs: Media Sensing to help SMEs stay attuned to their market presence, and Risk Management tools that enable corporates to navigate potential threats with confidence.


In the media industry, we provide tools designed for organisations, analysts, and journalists to detect and analyse emerging trends. Our solutions offer insights into underlying themes and shifts in public sentiment, helping media professionals to understand complex information landscapes and stay on top of the game.

National Security & Defence

In the national security and defence sector, we offer advanced tools for analysing information operations and detecting potential threats. Our solutions provide real-time alerts and insights into the techniques behind disinformation, helping security professionals anticipate risks and coordinate effective responses.

Want to Know More?

Get in touch with us at info@stratcommx.com or by clicking the button below.